Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day trip to Bainbridge Island

Last weekend Peter and I boarded the ferry (after waiting an hour an a half) and went to Bainbridge Island where we visited a state park, went for a scenic drive, and ate at a really cool restaurant.  This first picture is driving through Pike Place Market on the way to the Ferry. As far as I can tell he was a break dancing robot- but the really weird part is if you look towards the right side of the picture you can see Luigi and Princess Peach watching the performance. Wierd! Gotta love Seattle :) 

This was the view from the truck while we were waiting for the ferry. Not too Shabby! At least I had a nice view while catching up on my Draw Something games   

A few pictures from on board. After the boat started moving we went inside because it was really cold and windy. But we did get to see some seals frolicking in the water. 

I think this is called the Waterfront District. A really good seafood restaurant The Crab Pot is one of the  buildings over the water. 

I love love love the icy white mountains against the blue sky 

This is from my iPhone maps- the blue dot is us while on the ferry  

Peter and I were awestruck over the emerald green foliage. The next few photos are of Fort Ward State Park.   

Wild growing lilies (I think) 

Walking trail 

The picture below is crossing over the Agate Pass Bridge 

We drove into a small Norwegian town called Poulsbo for lunch and ate at a really cool little spot called The Loft. The food was great and the view was too! 

Then we too a VERY scenic ride home and got to get a loser look at the Olympic Mountains, Mount Ranier, and we drove through Tacoma. See above for the route we took. 

Olympics Below- This picture does NOT do it justice. 

Tacoma Narrows Bridge passes over Puget Sound into Tacoma

Mount Ranier 

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